Release Notes Archive

Plant Ontology Release #18 July 2012

Plant Ontology Database

July 2012 Release Page

Ontology updates

Number of terms:

Total terms (not including obsoletes) 1476
Total children terms in Plant Anatomical Entity (not including obsoletes) 1203
Total children terms in Plant Structure Development Stage (not including obsoletes) 271

Associations / Annotations

Number of associations/annotations:

Total number of associations 2175912
Number of associations NEW 218
Total number of unique objects (genes, germplasms, QTLs) 110960
Number of unique objects NEW 10

Number of associations by source database:

Database Associations Total#
TAIR Arabidopsis (mouse-ear cress) 532336
NASC Arabidopsis (mouse-ear cress) 1897
Gramene Oryza sativa (rice) 29871
Gramene Physcomitrella 20
MaizeGDB Zea mays (maize) 1495156
Jaiswal Lab Fragaria vesca (strawberry) 9561
Cosmoss Physcomitrella 81875
AgBase Gossypium hirsutum (upland cotton) 107
MGCSC 5070
POC Picea (spruce) 3
SGN (individual species listed below) 20016
-Anisodus acutangulus 2
-Atropa baetica 4
-Capsicum annuum (pepper) 54
-Coffea arabica (coffee) 8
-Datura strumonium (jimson weed) 3
-Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane) 2
-Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) 18950
-Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) 41
-Petunia hybrida (hybrid petunia) 55
-Physalis spp 4
-Solanum chmielewskii 3
-Solanum insanum/Solanum melongena (eggplant) 873
-Solanum pennellii 3
-Solanum tuberosum (potato) 15

Total number of individual object types by source database:

Database Object Type Object Types Total#
TAIR (Arabidopsis) protein 24527
TAIR (Arabidopsis) 230
TAIR (Arabidopsis) miRNA 41
TAIR (Arabidopsis) RNA 2
TAIR (Arabidopsis) gene_product 2
TAIR (Arabidopsis) snoRNA 1
NASC (Arabidopsis) germplasm 1897
Jaiswal Lab (Fragaria) mRNA 3904
Gramene (rice) gene 1715
Gramene (rice) QTL 8558
Gramene (Physcomitrella Patens) gene 5
Cosmoss (Physcomitrella Patens) mRNA 25593
MaizeGDB (maize) gene 780
MaizeGDB (maize) gene_model 35323
SGN gene 216
SGN germplasm 4503
AgBase protein 52
MGCSC stock 3609
POC gene 2

Total number of associations by evidence code:

Evidence Code Associations Total#
IC 18101
IDA 20530
IEP 2094876
IMP 37152
ISS 21
NAS 30
TAS 5354

Total number of object types by evidence code:

Object Type Evidence Code Object Type Total#
protein IDA 17375
protein IEP 512525
protein IMP 6
protein NAS 29
protein TAS 92
IEP 2254
miRNA IDA 22
miRNA IEP 131
gene_product IEP 1
gene_product NAS 1
snoRNA IEP 1
germplasm IDA 3045
germplasm IMP 18385
gene IC 571
gene IDA 79
gene IEA 1
gene IEP 524
gene IGI 1
gene IMP 7387
gene ISS 21
gene TAS 5262
QTL IC 17530
QTL IMP 6304
mRNA IEP 91436
gene_model IEP 1487963
stock IMP 5070