Release Notes Archive

Plant Ontology Release #0408 April 2008

Plant Ontology Database

Ontology updates

Number of terms:

Total terms 1128
Total children terms in Plant structure 852
New children terms in Plant structure 19
Total children terms in Plant growth and development 274
New children terms in Plant growth and development None

List of new children terms in Plant Structure:

PO IDTerm name
PO:0005028 inflorescence vascular system
PO:0005029 root primordium
PO:0008017 leaf sheath pulvinus
PO:0008018 transition leaf
PO:0008019 leaf lamina base
PO:0008020 central zone of the leaf lamina
PO:0008021 tertiary vein
PO:0008022 quaternary vein
PO:0008023 higher order vein
PO:0008024 petiole proximal end
PO:0008025 central zone of the petiole
PO:0008026 petiole distal end
PO:0008027 petiole adaxial epidermis
PO:0008029 petiole abaxial epidermis
PO:0008030 trichome cell
PO:0008031 trichome branch
PO:0008032 stomatal pore
PO:0008033 phyllome whorl
PO:0008034 leaf whorl

Associations / Aannotations

Number of associations/annotations:

Total number of associations 58117
Number of associations NEW 18572
Total number of unique objects (genes, germplasms, QTLs) 22049
Number of unique objects NEW 4737

Number of associations from:

DB Associations Total#
TAIR (Arabidopsis) 8263
NASC (Arabidopsis) 1897
Gramene (rice) 26280
MaizeGDB (maize) 5127
SGN (Capsicum, Hyoscyamus, lycopersicum, tabacum, tuberosum, melongena) 16550

Total number of individual object types by source DB:

DB Object Type Object Types Total#
TAIR (Arabidopsis) gene 2573
NASC (Arabidopsis) germplasm 1897
Gramene (rice) gene 1679
Gramene (rice) QTL 8390
MaizeGDB (maize) gene 3470
SGN gene 33
SGN germplasm 4007

Total number of associations by evidence code:

Evidence Code Associations Total#
IC 14096
IDA 2648
IEP 5560
IMP 35827
NAS 31
TAS 74

Total number of object types by evidence code:

Object Type Evidence Code Object Type Total#
gene IDA 2648
gene IEP 5560
gene IMP 11141
gene NAS 31
gene TAS 74
QTL IC 14096
QTL IMP 6304
germplasm IMP 18382