Release Notes Archive

Plant Ontology Release# 0207 February 2007

Plant Ontology Database

Ontology updates

Number of terms:

Total terms 1092
Total children terms in Plant structure 817
New children terms in Plant structure 21
Total children terms in Plant growth and development 273
New children terms in Plant growth and development 0

List of new children terms in Plant Structure:

PO IDTerm name
PO:0005003 stem trichome
PO:0005008 fruit septum
PO:0005009 carpel septum
PO:0005010 anther septum
PO:0005011 anther dehiscence zone
PO:0005012 pedicel vascular system
PO:0005013 hypocotyl epidermis
PO:0005014 embryo cortex
PO:0005015 embryo endodermis
PO:0005016 replum
PO:0005017 flower vascular system
PO:0005018 stamen vascular system
PO:0005019 carpel vascular system
PO:0005020 vascular bundle
PO:0005021 sepal margin
PO:0005022 ovary wall
PO:0005023 abaxial epidermis of ovary
PO:0005024 adaxial epidermis of ovary
PO:0005025 middle layer of ovary wall
PO:0005026 root giant cell
PO:0005027 root syncytium cell

List of new children terms in Plant Growth and Development:

PO IDTerm name


Number of associations/annotations:

Total number of associations 31949
Number of associations NEW 18138
Total number of unique objects (genes & germplasms) 15814
Number of unique objects NEW 8962

Number of associations from:

TAIR (Arabidopsis) 6086
NASC (Arabidopsis) 1897
Gramene (rice) 21371
MaizeGDB (maize) 2595