Plant Ontology Release# 1007 October 2007
Plant Ontology Database
Ontology updates
Number of terms:
Total terms 1109 Total children terms in Plant structure 833 New children terms in Plant structure None Total children terms in Plant growth and development 274 New children terms in Plant growth and development None
Associations / Aannotations
Number of associations/annotations:
Total number of associations 39545 Number of associations NEW 7441 Total number of unique objects (genes & germplasms) 17312 Number of unique objects NEW 1453
Number of associations from:
DB Associations Total# TAIR (Arabidopsis) 6241 NASC (Arabidopsis) 1897 Gramene (rice) 26280 MaizeGDB (maize) 5127 Total number of individual object types by source DB:
DB Object Type Object Types Total# TAIR (Arabidopsis) gene 1876 NASC (Arabidopsis) germplasm 1897 Gramene (rice) gene 1679 Gramene (rice) QTL 8390 MaizeGDB (maize) gene 3470 Total number of associations by evidence code:
Evidence Code Associations Total# IC 14096 IDA 1835 IEP 4319 IMP 19318 NAS 32 TAS 64 Total number of object types by evidence code:
Object Type Evidence Code Object Type Total# gene IDA 585 gene IEP 1425 gene IMP 5149 gene NAS 26 gene TAS 50 QTL IC 5602 QTL IMP 2788 germplasm IMP 1897