LP.03 three leaves visible stage

Term Information

plant structure development stage
related: 02-three leaf stage in sorghum
related: 1-4 leaf stage in rice
related: 1.03 2nd trifoliolate leaf unfolded in soybean
related: 1.03-three to four leaves in maize
related: 1.3 3-4 leaves in maize
related: 2.04-three leaves unfolded
related: 3 rosette leaf in Arabidopsis
related: 3-leaf stage in maize
related: BBCH growth stage 13
related: LP.03 three leaves visible in Solanaceae
related: maize growth stage-1.3
related: pre tillering
related: rice growth stage-2.1
related: sorghum growth stage-1
related: V2 stage in soybean
related: V3 in maize
related: Zadok scale-13, Haun scale-2.+
The stage at which leaves at three nodes, other than the cotyledonary node, are visible above ground. [source: GR:Anuradha_Pujar]
The leaves can be a single leaf, two, or whorls of leaves at each node.

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