phyllome abaxial meristem

Term Information

plant anatomy
narrow: phyllome abaxial rounding meristem
narrow: phyllome abaxial unifacial meristem
exact: フィロム背軸側分裂組織 (Japanese)
exact: meristema abaxial del filoma (Spanish)
A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is found on the abaxial side of a developing phyllome (PO:0006001). [source: POC:curators]
Contributes to the thickness of a phyllome (PO:0006001). There are two types of adaxial meristems. In phyllomes with a petiole (PO:0020038) and lamina (PO:0025060), an adaxial rounding meristem occurs later in development, is separated from the apical meristem (PO:0020144), and contributes to the thickness of the petiole and midrib. In unifacial phyllomes, the an adaxial meristem occurs earlier in development, is close to but separate from the apical meristem, and contributes to the thickness and cross-sectional shape of the entire phyllome. If annotating to a leaf, use the more specific term leaf abaxial meristem (PO:0025403).

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