seed dormant stage

Term Information

plant structure development stage
exact: 種子休眠期 (Japanese)
exact: etapa latente de la semilla (Spanish)
A seed development stage (PO:0001170) during which a seed (PO:0009010) participates in a seed dormancy process (GO:0010162). [source: GO:0010162, POC:curators]
A seed dormancy process (GO:0010162) is a dormancy process in which dormancy (sometimes called a dormant state) is induced, maintained or broken in a seed. Seed dormancy is a suspension of most physiological activity and growth in a seed, including the embryo contained therein, that can be reactivated. It often requires special conditions for reactivation, such as specific temperature, scarification, or leaching of inhibitors. Seed dormancy includes dormancy of the embryo and the seed coat, althoughnthese may not begin or end simultaneously. Not all seeds go through a seed dormant stage. Most seeds that go through a dormant stage do so only one time.

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