
Arabidopsis thaliana
ureide permease 5
TAIR, TAIR:locus:2197995
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Qualifier Term Ontology Evidence Reference Assigned by
carpel [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
cauline leaf [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
collective leaf structure [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
cotyledon [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
flower pedicel [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
flower [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
guard cell [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:23634837 TAIR
hypocotyl [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
inflorescence meristem [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
lateral root [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
leaf apex [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
leaf lamina base [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
leaf lamina [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
leaf vascular system [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
pericycle [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
petal [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
petiole [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
plant embryo [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
pollen [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
root cortex [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
root endodermis [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
root epidermis [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
root [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
seed [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
sepal [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
shoot apex [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
shoot system [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
stamen [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
stem [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
stigma [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
stipule [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:16738859 TAIR
vascular leaf [view annotations] plant anatomy PMID:15806101 TAIR
flowering stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.02 two leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.04 four leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.06 six leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.08 eight leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.10 ten leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
LP.12 twelve leaves visible stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
mature plant embryo stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
petal differentiation and expansion stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
plant embryo bilateral stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
plant embryo cotyledonary stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
plant embryo globular stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR
vascular leaf senescent stage [view annotations] plant structure development stage PMID:15806101 TAIR

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