Release Notes Archive

Plant Ontology Release #0409 April 2009

Plant Ontology Database

Ontology updates

Number of terms:

Total terms (not including obsoletes) 1046
Total children terms in Plant structure (not including obsoletes) 808
Total children terms in Plant growth and development (not including obsoletes) 236

Associations / Aannotations

Number of associations/annotations:

Total number of associations 557692
Number of associations NEW 484332
Total number of unique objects (genes, germplasms, QTLs) 45015
Number of unique objects NEW 17485

Number of associations by source DB:

DB Associations Total#
TAIR (Arabidopsis) 501863
NASC (Arabidopsis) 1897
Gramene (rice) 29757
MaizeGDB (maize) 7601
SGN (Capsicum, Hyoscyamus, lycopersicum, tabacum, tuberosum, melongena) 16574

Total number of individual object types by source DB:

DB Object Type Object Types Total#
TAIR (Arabidopsis) gene 23861
NASC (Arabidopsis) germplasm 1897
Gramene (rice) gene 1713
Gramene (rice) QTL 8558
MaizeGDB (maize) gene 1006
MaizeGDB (maize) germplasm 3928
SGN gene 45
SGN germplasm 4007

Total number of associations by evidence code:

Evidence Code Associations Total#
IC 17973
IDA 13729
IEP 488313
IMP 32448
ISS 21
NAS 29
TAS 5321

Total number of object types by evidence code:

Object Type Evidence Code Object Type Total#
gene IC 544
gene IDA 13727
gene IEA 1
gene IEP 488313
gene IMP 2406
gene ISS 21
gene NAS 29
gene TAS 5321
QTL IC 17429
QTL IMP 6304
germplasm IMP 23738
germplasm IDA 2