subterranean tuber axillary vegetative bud

Term Information

plant anatomy
narrow: potato eye
narrow: swollen eye
exact: yema vegetativa axilar de tubérculo subterráneo (Spanish)
exact: 地下塊茎腋栄養芽 (Japanese)
broad: eye
broad: tuber eye
A tuber axillary vegetative bud that is part of a subterranean tuber. [source: POC:curators]
A structure on the tuber surface that can sprout. In potatoes, axillary vegetative buds (eyes) can determine processing quality. Scale that the breeders use to rate the buds/sprouts of tubers: 1. none, 2. swollen eye, 3. sprout ca. 1/4", 4. sprout ca. 1/2", 5. sprout ca. 1", 6. sprout ca. 2", 7. sprout ca. 3", 8. new top growth, 9. chain tubers.

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